The mother’s hands and face were tied and the daughter was taken to the next room and raped

- আপডেট সময় : ০৮:০৮:০৩ অপরাহ্ন, বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৯ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪ ৪২ বার পড়া হয়েছে
Lakshmipur’s Kamalnagar in the case of rape of a girl. Rony and Md. Police have arrested two youths named Ashraf. On Wednesday (December 18) night, raids were conducted in Battali area and they were arrested.
When they were sent to the Lakshmipur court on Thursday (December 19) afternoon, the court sent them to jail.
Arrested Roni is the son of Shahjahan of Battali area of Charkadira Union of Kamalnagar Upazila and Ashraf is the son of Ibrahim of the same area. Meanwhile, police rescued the victim of torture and sent her to Sadar Hospital for medical examination.
According to the source of the case, the accused entered the house by breaking the door of the girl’s house on the night of December 9. At one stage, they tied the hands and face of the young woman’s mother. Later they raped the young woman in a nearby room. The young woman’s mother knows Roni, the young man involved in the incident. On Wednesday night, the girl’s father filed a case at the Kamalnagar police station.
Kamalnagar police station OC Mohammad Tahidul Islam said that a young woman’s father has filed a case as a plaintiff. Two people were arrested and sent to jail through the court. The victim was rescued and sent to Sadar Hospital for medical examination.