ঢাকা ০৯:১৬ পূর্বাহ্ন, রবিবার, ২৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫

Journalist threatened to kill for publishing news of Honda theft, GD at police station

Nk Barta Online:
  • আপডেট সময় : ০৭:০১:১৩ অপরাহ্ন, রবিবার, ২৯ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪ ৬২ বার পড়া হয়েছে
সর্বশেষ নিউজ পেতে অনুসরণ করুন গুগল নিউজ (Google News) ফিডটি

Noakhali “Suvarnachar Honda theft complaint” journalist was threatened with death for publishing the news. In this incident, a general diary has been made in Charjabbar police station which is dated 1358 on 29 December 24.


Md Alamgir (42), son of Abdul Gofran of Ledu Swarnakar Bari, Ward No. 2, Char Jubilee Union, Char Jubilee Union, Char Jubilee Union No. 5, accused in the Honda theft case.


In the details of the incident, I Jatiya Dainik Bangla 71 Noakhali District Representative, Noakhali Press Club Member Journalist Md Imam Uddin Sumon, said that on December 23, a Honda resident of Char Jubilee Village, Abdul Quader, was stolen from his house and in that incident Belal or Nadhi Belal of Char Jubilee Village, Abdul Alamgir, son of Hofran, and Manik, son of Ledu goldsmith, were charged with a Charjabbar police station. He filed the complaint based on the complaint Published the news under the title “Honda Theft Allegation in Suvarnachar” and that news was published in several media. According to the source of the news, Alamgir, the son of Abdul Gofran, called Imam Uddin Sumon’s mobile phone number 01820524655 from his used number 01866096971 at 10:43 am on December 29 (Sunday) and raised his eyes and threatened to kill him. On his threat, Md. Imam Uddin Suman Char Jabbar Police Station made it General Diary (GD).

Suman also said that Honda thefts have increased in Suvarnachar for many years, markets and houses are not protected. Motorcycles are the last means of movement of people. They are a huge syndicate. Even before, a Honda was stolen from his house, which has not been found yet. Such threat of thieves and robbers is an ominous signal for the society.


He is demanding punishment befitting the threat. Journalists working in the district have expressed strong condemnation of the threat to kill a journalist for publishing news.


Char Jabbar Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Shaheen Mia said, I have received the GD copy, legal action will be taken after investigation.

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আপলোডকারীর তথ্য
নিউজ ডেস্ক

Journalist threatened to kill for publishing news of Honda theft, GD at police station

আপডেট সময় : ০৭:০১:১৩ অপরাহ্ন, রবিবার, ২৯ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪

Noakhali “Suvarnachar Honda theft complaint” journalist was threatened with death for publishing the news. In this incident, a general diary has been made in Charjabbar police station which is dated 1358 on 29 December 24.


Md Alamgir (42), son of Abdul Gofran of Ledu Swarnakar Bari, Ward No. 2, Char Jubilee Union, Char Jubilee Union, Char Jubilee Union No. 5, accused in the Honda theft case.


In the details of the incident, I Jatiya Dainik Bangla 71 Noakhali District Representative, Noakhali Press Club Member Journalist Md Imam Uddin Sumon, said that on December 23, a Honda resident of Char Jubilee Village, Abdul Quader, was stolen from his house and in that incident Belal or Nadhi Belal of Char Jubilee Village, Abdul Alamgir, son of Hofran, and Manik, son of Ledu goldsmith, were charged with a Charjabbar police station. He filed the complaint based on the complaint Published the news under the title “Honda Theft Allegation in Suvarnachar” and that news was published in several media. According to the source of the news, Alamgir, the son of Abdul Gofran, called Imam Uddin Sumon’s mobile phone number 01820524655 from his used number 01866096971 at 10:43 am on December 29 (Sunday) and raised his eyes and threatened to kill him. On his threat, Md. Imam Uddin Suman Char Jabbar Police Station made it General Diary (GD).

Suman also said that Honda thefts have increased in Suvarnachar for many years, markets and houses are not protected. Motorcycles are the last means of movement of people. They are a huge syndicate. Even before, a Honda was stolen from his house, which has not been found yet. Such threat of thieves and robbers is an ominous signal for the society.


He is demanding punishment befitting the threat. Journalists working in the district have expressed strong condemnation of the threat to kill a journalist for publishing news.


Char Jabbar Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Shaheen Mia said, I have received the GD copy, legal action will be taken after investigation.