ঢাকা ০৯:০০ পূর্বাহ্ন, রবিবার, ২৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫

Journalists can enter the secretariat with a temporary pass

Nk Barta Online:
  • আপডেট সময় : ০৬:৩৬:১৯ অপরাহ্ন, রবিবার, ২৯ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪ ৬৬ বার পড়া হয়েছে
সর্বশেষ নিউজ পেতে অনুসরণ করুন গুগল নিউজ (Google News) ফিডটি

Information advisor Nahid Islam said that journalists will be able to enter the secretariat from Monday (December 30) with a temporary pass. He said this in front of the secretariat on Sunday (December 29) at noon.


Nahid Islam said, today is the last day to submit the preliminary report of the investigation committee that was formed in the fire incident. Till date we are not allowing anyone to enter the Secretariat. This is why you cannot enter today.


He said that 3 thousand plus accreditation cards have been given in the past. Not everyone is a journalist. We need to test that. Based on the application of the journalists, we will arrange a new permanent pass within a period of time. Until then, a limited number of journalists will be given a temporary pass. We will sit with journalists’ organizations. A specific temporary pass will be issued after sitting with the organizations in the Secretariat and outside. You can enter the secretariat from tomorrow (Monday). Now all the passes will be cancelled. 


He also said that we cannot keep more than 3 thousand accreditation cards. Most are fake. Permanent pass will be issued based on the application policy. The application process will start from tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If necessary, it will start by sitting down and talking with journalist organizations or editors.

নিউজটি শেয়ার করুন

আপনার মন্তব্য

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আপনার ইমেইল এবং অন্যান্য তথ্য সংরক্ষন করুন

আপলোডকারীর তথ্য
নিউজ ডেস্ক
ট্যাগস :

Journalists can enter the secretariat with a temporary pass

আপডেট সময় : ০৬:৩৬:১৯ অপরাহ্ন, রবিবার, ২৯ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪

Information advisor Nahid Islam said that journalists will be able to enter the secretariat from Monday (December 30) with a temporary pass. He said this in front of the secretariat on Sunday (December 29) at noon.


Nahid Islam said, today is the last day to submit the preliminary report of the investigation committee that was formed in the fire incident. Till date we are not allowing anyone to enter the Secretariat. This is why you cannot enter today.


He said that 3 thousand plus accreditation cards have been given in the past. Not everyone is a journalist. We need to test that. Based on the application of the journalists, we will arrange a new permanent pass within a period of time. Until then, a limited number of journalists will be given a temporary pass. We will sit with journalists’ organizations. A specific temporary pass will be issued after sitting with the organizations in the Secretariat and outside. You can enter the secretariat from tomorrow (Monday). Now all the passes will be cancelled. 


He also said that we cannot keep more than 3 thousand accreditation cards. Most are fake. Permanent pass will be issued based on the application policy. The application process will start from tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If necessary, it will start by sitting down and talking with journalist organizations or editors.