ঢাকা ০৩:০৭ অপরাহ্ন, রবিবার, ২৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫

An animal that can conceive while being male

Nk Barta Online:
  • আপডেট সময় : ০৭:৪৯:৪৫ অপরাহ্ন, শুক্রবার, ১৩ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪ ৭৩ বার পড়া হয়েছে
সর্বশেষ নিউজ পেতে অনুসরণ করুন গুগল নিউজ (Google News) ফিডটি

Only women have the power to give birth. All women of the animal family have this power by birth. For this reason, the status of mother is given above all in the world. But nature is mysterious. It is never possible for us humans to break through. But do you know, the only animal in the world that gives birth to children is male.


This wonder of nature is a special fish in the Syngnathidae family, which includes the sea-horse, pipe fish and sea-dragon. But how is this strange event possible? How do they conceive and give birth?


Here basically the female animal transfers the eggs to the body of the male animal. Male seahorses have a special pouch in their abdomen, where the eggs are protected and hatched.


After the eggs are fertilized, the male seahorse takes care of these eggs by providing them with nutrients. It takes about two to four weeks for the chicks to hatch from the eggs. During this period, male seahorses take various measures of their own to protect their young. It gives birth to about 50 to 1,000 chicks at a time, which is a rare sight. However, the chicks have to survive in the sea among many predators immediately after birth, sometimes only one chick out of a thousand can grow to adulthood.


The reproduction process of pipe fish is very similar. The female pipefish lays her eggs in a pouch on the male’s abdomen. Here too the eggs are fertilized and the male pipefish takes care of them for up to two weeks and provides them with the nutrients they need. About 5 to 40 chicks can be born in this process.


But another interesting thing about pipefish is that they give importance to their partner in caring for their chicks. If the female pipefish is large and attractive, the male takes more care of his chicks. On the other hand, weak or unattractive female pipefish provide less nutrients for hatchlings.


As this wonderful diversity of nature teaches, love, care and responsibility are not limited to structural differences. It is like a wonderful message of nature, that sometimes by breaking the conventional rules, a different magic story of life is created.

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নিউজ ডেস্ক

An animal that can conceive while being male

আপডেট সময় : ০৭:৪৯:৪৫ অপরাহ্ন, শুক্রবার, ১৩ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪

Only women have the power to give birth. All women of the animal family have this power by birth. For this reason, the status of mother is given above all in the world. But nature is mysterious. It is never possible for us humans to break through. But do you know, the only animal in the world that gives birth to children is male.


This wonder of nature is a special fish in the Syngnathidae family, which includes the sea-horse, pipe fish and sea-dragon. But how is this strange event possible? How do they conceive and give birth?


Here basically the female animal transfers the eggs to the body of the male animal. Male seahorses have a special pouch in their abdomen, where the eggs are protected and hatched.


After the eggs are fertilized, the male seahorse takes care of these eggs by providing them with nutrients. It takes about two to four weeks for the chicks to hatch from the eggs. During this period, male seahorses take various measures of their own to protect their young. It gives birth to about 50 to 1,000 chicks at a time, which is a rare sight. However, the chicks have to survive in the sea among many predators immediately after birth, sometimes only one chick out of a thousand can grow to adulthood.


The reproduction process of pipe fish is very similar. The female pipefish lays her eggs in a pouch on the male’s abdomen. Here too the eggs are fertilized and the male pipefish takes care of them for up to two weeks and provides them with the nutrients they need. About 5 to 40 chicks can be born in this process.


But another interesting thing about pipefish is that they give importance to their partner in caring for their chicks. If the female pipefish is large and attractive, the male takes more care of his chicks. On the other hand, weak or unattractive female pipefish provide less nutrients for hatchlings.


As this wonderful diversity of nature teaches, love, care and responsibility are not limited to structural differences. It is like a wonderful message of nature, that sometimes by breaking the conventional rules, a different magic story of life is created.